Answer: Our Voice!
I am often asked of all your instruments which is the most healing? Many think it's the crystal bowls but that is not the answer. Ever since I was a little girl I was told I couldn’t carry a tune and I shouldn’t sing. I even had an opera singer as an aunt who told me I was hopeless and she couldn’t teach me. No one should ever be told they shouldn’t sing because the voice is the most healing instrument we have. When we sing, hum, chant, or vocal tone the following benefits occur. I am writing here specifically about vocal toning but the benefits also apply to singing, chanting, and humming. First, let's learn what vowel sound toning is:
What is Vowel Sound Vocal Toning?
The elongation of a note, using breath and voice
Toning uses repetition to take one into an altered state of mind.
Toning is used to get the body vibrating to its natural resonant frequencies and restore harmony to the body.
We usually use vowel sounds because their frequencies are usually more steady and consistent which is what we desire to use in Sound Healing. Dissident or chaotic frequencies can cause the mind, body, or emotions to become out of balance and cause illness. You can use any vowel sound you like. I prefer AHH since it is the Sanskrit syllable for beginning the opening of the heart.
Some Benefits of Toning:
Toning, by vibrating the paranasal cavities, larynx, and lungs increases nitric oxide in the body and tones the vagus nerve. Vowel sound chanting (as distinct from singing), humming, and Kirtan Chanting, increase nitric oxide production and tone the vagus nerve. Nitric oxide production is essential for overall health because it allows blood, nutrients, and oxygen to travel to every part of your body effectively and efficiently.
Toning stimulates the Vagus Nerve. The vagus nerve is stimulated via ‘sonopuncture’, particularly via the ears and voice, thus regulating internal organ functions, including digestion, heart rate, and respiratory rate, as well as promoting vasomotor activity and anti-inflammatory effects. Specific very low (sub-audible) frequencies may also be applied by full-ear headphones, combined with music.
Toning expands the body's ability to breathe deeply. This not only gives the body more oxygen but also expands all of your energies, opening the perfect flow of energy to help keep you healthy, making this a great preventative measure aiding in your healthy and peaceful longevity.
Toning helps us to release anger, fear, anxiety, jealousy, resentment, frustration, pain, trauma, and more. ( I can teach you how to do this, it's super therapeutic)
Toning can enhance and improve your sleep.
Helps one to relax, and handle stress, in life.
Helps you on a physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual level.
It can help to release traumas and blockages.
Toning can also slow down the heart rate, respiration rate, and brain wave states.
It can take us into an altered state of consciousness.
Animals and children love when you do this and will join in with you.
Since discovering these wonderful benefits I routinely use vocal toning with all of my Sound Healing Therapy clients and groups. It's super therapeutic and helps them release anger, grief, pain, frustration, trauma, fear, depression and more.
There is no right or wrong, good or bad way to sound when toning. It is just whatever comes out easily and naturally. You want to do it as long as possible and if you try to force it you won’t be able to do it for long. It’s not about how you sound it's the vibrations of what you are doing that are important. When toning in a group we usually send out intentions to the universe for things like world peace or healing and an amazing phenomenon happens. We all start at our own notes and within a minute our voices all come together in perfect harmony and the sound magnifies. Our frequencies all become entrained together. Group vocal toning creates a wonderful sense of unity in the group and people are always amazed by it. It's great to do at the beginning or the end of a meeting or meditation, and even people who have no idea about sound healing love it. Try it at the dinner table with your family and friends, they may think you are weird but after they try it they will love it!
If you want to learn more about Vocal Toning and Sound Healing Therapy with Barbara Spaulding RN, Master Sound Healer, Clinical Sound Therapist, and Sound Healing Therapy Practitioner Trainer. Call or book an appointment today. Happy Toning!